Food, minerals, metabolism, blood sugar, thyroid health, liver health & much more…

We offer countless solutions, including personalized nutrition, holistic health strategies, and targeted exercise plans, guiding you towards a healthier and more vibrant life. Embark on your transformative journey today!

“Bodily exercise profits a little but Godliness is profitable for all things having promised of the life that now is and of that which is to come.” 1 Tim 4:8

Welcome to our weekly Encouragement Log— a dedicated space designed to uplift and inspire you on your coaching mentorship journey. Download this log to help you access how involved you are in your own own health journey. I’ll be right there bringing motivational support, but this is a log to see where you’re at currently to fuel your growth and resilience. Let this be a source of inspiration as you navigate the challenges and celebrate the triumphs in your coaching experience.



At Instructed To Guide, we are dedicated to sculpting not just bodies but lifestyles. Our fitness programs are designed to build your knowledge and empower you with personalized workouts, nutrition plans, and expert guidance, ensuring that your journey to a healthier and stronger you is both effective and enjoyable. Join our community and embark on a transformative fitness experience tailored to your unique goals and aspirations.

Mission statement 

  • To transform your actions, thoughts and behaviors to bring wisdom and knowledge and to help those that have a hard time helping themselves.